ESTES Model #2401

The rocket is a nifty 2-stage (18mm==>13mm) ring-fin design with a clear payload tube, with the booster so well integrated into the design this could easily be mistaken for a single-stager on the pad.
Additional Information
- Length: 27″
- Diameter: 0.976″
- Weight: 3.2 oz.
- Fins: Laser Cut Wood
- Altitude: 800′
- Recovery:
- Booster – Tumble
- Upper – 12″ Parachutee
- Recommended Motors:
- Single Stage: A10-3T
- Booster: B6-0, C6-0
- Upper: A10-3T

Photo Gallery

Build History
- 12/27/2013 – Purchased Estes Solarflare from Estes for $5.59 (Retail $19.49).
- 03/29/2018 – Took pictures of package and components. Scanned parts and instructions.
- 04/16/2018 – Made copy of shock cord mount and fin marking guide. Cut them out. Made measurements of components and recorded them on page 30 Book #4.
- 04/17/2018 – Glued engine block 5/16″ from aft end of motor mount tube. Clued centering rings 1″ form aft end and other centering ring even with forward end of motor mount tube. Sanded nibs from edges of balsa pieces. Gut 1/8″ slit 2-1/2″ from aft end of 18mm motor tube. Glued mylar retainer ring over metal engine retainer at 1-1/4″ mark from aft end. Glued split centering ring 3/4″ from aft end of motor mount tube. Glued other centering ring even with forward edge of motor mount tube.
- 04/19/2015 – Sanded fins and rounded leading edges. Applied fillets to centering ring. Glued 3 of 4 fins to 4-1/2″from aft end of body tube.
- 04/20/2018 – Glued 4th fin to body tube. Filleted fin joints.
- 04/21/2018 – Glued ring around 4-1/2″ body tube with hole. Glued first fin at 14″mark. Glued upper fins into position. Glued motor mount assembly into lower body tube.
- 04/23/2018 – Filleted upper fin joints. Glued red tube coupler half way inside forward end of booster tube. Glued launch lug 4″ from aft end of upper body tube midway between two fins. Glued motor mount assembly into upper body tube. Filleted launch lug joints. Glued shock cord to mount and then inside forward end of upper body tube by at least 1″.
- 04/24/2018 – Tied free end of shock cord to payload section.
- 05/25/2018 – Spray painted nose cone black. Spray painted body and fins Yellow.
- 10/27/2018 – Painted forward fins Gloss Black.
- 10/29/2018 – Masked forward fins and re-spray painted rest of model Sun Yellow. Removed masking from forward fins.
- 11/28/2022 – Applied Water Slide decals using photo card and instruction as guides. This completes construction of Estes #2401 Solar Flare.
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