Self VDR08
This model was made from spare parts to look like a Valentines Day Rocket by shaping the four fins to look like hearts.
Additional Information
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Build History
- 01/24/2008 – Marked 3 24mm motor tubes at 1/2″ & 1/4″ from each end. Glued 3 hole wooden engine mount disk around 1/2″ marks and when dry glued other at the 1/4″ marks. Filleted the joints with Elmers Yellow Glue.
- 01/25/2008 – Applied Elmers Yellow Glue to engine mount tubes as a fillet.
- 01/26/2008 – Placed assembly inside main body tube aligning end of motor mount tubes with main body tube. and filleted in place.
- 01/27/2008 – Glued motor mount assembly inside main body tube and filleted joints. Traced “Heart Fins” onto a piece of cardboard for the fin template. Cut fins from 3/32″ balsa stock. Shaped fins with emory board. Marked each fin mid-way along root edge. Filleted aft centering ring. Took measurements of model and recorded them in Book #3 Page #90.
- 01/28/2008 – Glued 2 fins tro body tube after marking reference lines on body tube.
- 01/29/2008 – Glued remaining 2 fins to body tube.
- 01/30/2008 – Filleted first fin joints.
- 01/31/2008 – Filleted remaining fin joints.
- 02/01/2008 – Drew the launch lug line midway between 2 fins. Glued one 1/4″ x 1″ launch lug near rear edge of body tube on the launch lug reference line and another 1/4″ x 1″ launch lug near the top edge of body tube on the same reference line.
- 02/02/2008 – Cut a 24″ piece of 1/4″ wide chock cord material from stock roll.
- 02/03/2008 – Glued shock cord into shock cord mount and glued inside of top edge by at least 2″. Spray painted model with Primer and sanded smooth with 600 grit sandpaper.
- 02/04/2008 – Painted entire model with Krylon #1609 Glossy White. Allowed to dry several days in garage.
- 02/06/2008 – Made upper decal from Silver Monocote material. Cut a section 8″ long and 1/2″ in width. Traced hearts near bottom (see page 90 for template).
- 02/08/2008 – Applied silver decal to upper portion of main body tube. Attached hearts to decal and over launch lug.
- 03/20/2022 – Repair- Removed broken fins and replaced with new set of fins made from 1/8″ thick stock balsa sheet.
- 03/21/2022 – filleted all fin joints and spray painted fwith white primer
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